Interactive galleon
Atlantic navigation pavillion Seville, Spain

A continuous screen projection, 25 meters long, which facilitates a nautical themed game played through three different scenes: jungle, storm and battle and different interactive devices.

Players are given a sense of how life was aboard a Spanish galleon in the seventeenth century, through an array of entertaining situations which test the players reflexes and skills. The visitors physically handle interactive devices to control different situations, while the wind, storms, or fire complicate the game.

Development and Execution of Project: GPD
Project Management: Rafa Aumente
Creative Direction: Rafa Aumente
Art Direction: Rafa Aumente
Concept Arts: Rafa Aumente
Ilustration: Sopa de Sobre
Motion Graphics: Rafa Aumente
Animation: Sopa de Sobre / Monigotes Estudio / Raul Echegaray
Programing: Pablo Fernández
Music/Sounddesign: Alvaro Iglesias
Interior museum photos: some of them provided by GPD

Tasks Pasoslargos

  • Art direction
  • interactive design
  • programing
  • illustration
  • animation